Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A drunked earthquake

Well, i were in a party at Nadia's home, when it began i where whit two friends talking in the courtyard. I think i were the only one sober, and earthquake bagan. First it was no much strong, so a tryed to lie on the ground cause i like to feel the movement. When i were on my knees and puting my hands on the floor, the movement grew up and i sayd to ma friends they came whit me to the conter of the courtyard. When we were there i felt worried about my other friends who were sleeping inside Nadia´s room. In the moment i thought that "i have to go for them" i saw them comming out from the room. All this happened in few seconds while earthquake was still shakeing us. Then was a moment when the movement almost throw me down and then i begun to felt little frightened, so i said to my self "it is an ERTHQUAKE!!"
When it ended i saw some friends crying, someother full drunked and the most of them worried trying to call them families, like me. I felt frightened cause i left in my hose to my mother and my little sister alone, and they didn't answer. Almost an hour after my mother answer me and told me that everything was allrigth. It was a looong night listening the radio the radio whit information about what has happened. Then early morning all we went to sleep.

Towards my home i saw buildings with few damages. and when arrived i tolk with my mother and my sister about how we had lived the earthquake. Then went up the stairs hopeing my keyboard and my guitar was fine... and it was thath way.


  1. wait, wait, wait... so you were drinking... and when you felt it, you try to lie down on the floor... and you say that you were the sober one?? you are joking right? is it possible that you were already on the floor when it started?

  2. Good to know that your mother and sister were allrigth =). And about the "I think i were the only one sober" XD!! I guess the party was very good.

  3. I just can say that he wasn't the drunk one

  4. Adolfo, wether you were sober or drunk will remain a mistery unsolved. Glad to hear guitar and keyboard were Ok. Life without music can be a bore.

  5. ROFL

    that was so funny, but if you didnt fell you were not drunk xD
