Wednesday, May 19, 2010

an integral career

Well as you have to know i study achitecture, and in this discipline are a lot of skills the student have to get. but there are some skills that every one needs, and someothers that depends of the main personal interest area.
one of the skills that everyone have to get, inborn, is the capacity to recognize situations, problems and possible solution in every situations, withut import its complexity. being it a logical perception capacity. other important skill to every architect is can have a mental process of space organization.
and there are other skills also inborn that i belive make the diference about the way of architecture that the student will follow. one is the capacity of create shapes and spaces that can respond to a problem or needeng bonr from a previous situation recognized (from an common inborn skill). and other is an social understanding, that is related with the inter personal intelligence, that make the student skilful to drive social components. of all these skills i feel i have got the first both, but about the other two.... i don't know well, perhaps them both, but i must develop them more.
And the skills we have to learn are bassed in some inborn skills, but that the practice make us acquire them, like the basic structural concepts, the tecnical knowledge of construction, the graphical tools to show what we want to say and humanist concepts we must integrate to our career development.
i feel that in this school the most of the inborn skills are promoted by, but there are some tools that are not obligatory delivered, so we MUST to learn them by our own way, or takeing a not obligatory class to learn them as well.
and if i feel prepared for what future awaits, i think that anyone of my level are. cause we coul know a lot of things, and we could feel much prepared, but the experience is a very different thing. i know it, cause i have had to advice people about thigs related with my career and i did it well. But when i went to Chepica (6th region) to make earthquake's damage registers accompained by an architect, the things i lerned were a lot, and i realized the experience is a very important aspect in the architect learning.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ben Van Berkel

Ben Van berkel born in 1957 in Utrecht, Holland. he studyed in the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in amsterdam, and got his architect tittle in the Architectural Association of London in 1987, and the same year creates with Caroline Bos hte Van Berkel & Bos Architectuurbureau. his first works are the Karouw electric station of Remu, and the Villa Wilbrink in Netherland. and in 1997 hi is choosen to make the Erasmu's Brige in Roterdam, and is this project that makes him create the UNstudio with Caroline Bos in Amsterdam.

Other of his well-knowed buildings are the Mercedes Benz's Museum, the Reserved Bussines Room, and the Agora Teater in Netherlands. Mercedez Benz MuseumAgora TheaterAgora Theater inside

Something that makes him an integral architecture worker is his vast experience in the fields of urbanism, infraestructure and public and private spaces and buildings. focusing his wonrk in development of the design, a high technology work, and apllying all this in a mixed relationship between the environment, the market demands, an the client requirements. becoming to Ben Van Berkel into a great exponent of the contemporany architecture.
personaly i like this architect's work cause he knows well the haigh tecnology we are using nowadays, also he has a good environment consideration in the sustainable function and in the building context mixing.