Wednesday, April 28, 2010

well i think the site is very good to learn, have a lot of tools to practice the earing and reading, mixing all of it whith funy pics and interesting thems and news. it has a great way to combinate the learning with a site that shows actuality and news.
it also hasa lot of gramatic's tools to help the visitor to learn, or grow up it's knowledge.
but, i think it has a level a little hard, i mean i think not everyone could get into the site and learn like ohters. it needs a good visitor's english's level cause the shape of the site is like all others, and the visitor has to know what he wants to get if, or he has to know enough english to navigate too well to find what hi needs and could learn.
but still i belive that this is a BBC´s good wise move cause this way it spread it's horrizons beyond of giveing information, reaching the international languge's learning.

well i liked a lot the part where it teach the phrasals, cause it have been one of my worst problems speaking english, so i feel it gonna help me too much, and so.. it´s a good site

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


well, one of may favorites films is this, EQUILIBRIUM" of the director Kurt Wimmer. i saw it for first time at shool, for a pshychology class. it´s about a society, after the third world war, that found a solution for the problem of violence: erease the feelings. this way the new "boss" of this society created a ijectable fluid tghat makes people cant't feel. this way, also were forbiden every kind of things that could make people feels something, like music, decorations, pictures, paintings, pets, poetry, etc... and there were a kind of trained people who´s mission is make the law.
and is one of this people, called "clerics", who discover "again" what is feel, what means feel, and this way he begins to fight against this society, founding in his way more people who "feels", and all they togeder try to defeat this kind of hell. visually the films looks like MATRIX, but for ny this movie is better, has a deeper and critical plot and is less unreal, in a way that makes me feel more part of what happens in the film.
well i think you have to see it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

All we Die for something
I don´t remember when i saw it for first time, but still i die laughing every time a see it. well it's a heineken beer commertial, and based in common girl's situation, about their obsession for clothes, shoes, and shopping in general, that i don´t use to understand, although i try, realy, i try, but i can't. but when the commertial put me in the situation, of a room full of beers, and good beers, and the host tells my drink how much you can!!! hooo ma gooood!!! y think i cuold react like the commeryial´s guys, screaming like a girl, jumping like a girl, fainting like a girl, in a free sale mall jajajajaaj. but, who doesn´t have something that make him cry and shout out loud. doesn´t matter hat it could be, i think everyone have it.
and yeah... one of my "Killer things" is the beer, like music too...
because of it is i laughed too much, cause i felt identified and i thought that there were me and my friends, leaving the girls aside and living this beer dream.
so i just can say BEER RULES!!!... but not in exess

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A drunked earthquake

Well, i were in a party at Nadia's home, when it began i where whit two friends talking in the courtyard. I think i were the only one sober, and earthquake bagan. First it was no much strong, so a tryed to lie on the ground cause i like to feel the movement. When i were on my knees and puting my hands on the floor, the movement grew up and i sayd to ma friends they came whit me to the conter of the courtyard. When we were there i felt worried about my other friends who were sleeping inside Nadia´s room. In the moment i thought that "i have to go for them" i saw them comming out from the room. All this happened in few seconds while earthquake was still shakeing us. Then was a moment when the movement almost throw me down and then i begun to felt little frightened, so i said to my self "it is an ERTHQUAKE!!"
When it ended i saw some friends crying, someother full drunked and the most of them worried trying to call them families, like me. I felt frightened cause i left in my hose to my mother and my little sister alone, and they didn't answer. Almost an hour after my mother answer me and told me that everything was allrigth. It was a looong night listening the radio the radio whit information about what has happened. Then early morning all we went to sleep.

Towards my home i saw buildings with few damages. and when arrived i tolk with my mother and my sister about how we had lived the earthquake. Then went up the stairs hopeing my keyboard and my guitar was fine... and it was thath way.